Originally published in
L'effort camerounais
Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon, of Blessed memory, has been honoured following his extraordinary contributions to culture, politics, religion, literature and philosophy, in tribute paid recently on the occasion of the 4th International Day of Philosophy that held at Bilingual Grammar School in Buea, under the distinguished patronage of the Minister of Secondary Education, Louis Bapes Bapes, under the theme, "Philosophy and Ethics".
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By TANIFORM Peter Ngwa
Paper presented on the occasion of the celebration of the 19th anniversary of the death of Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon.
When on that fateful day August 26th 1986, God closed the page of the earthly walk for Cameroonâs illustrious son, Africaâs Socrates, the model and inspirer of his time, Dr. Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon, many thought that was the end of a great and genuine intellectual. Like Jesusâ two disciples on their way to Emmaus just after his death, despairing of what would become of them and what had become of their great teacher (Luke 24:13-35), so too were the sentiments during and after the funeral of Prof. Fonlon, among his family members, closest friends, followers and countrymen.
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Opening remarks by His Eminence Christian Cardinal Tumi, Archbishop of Douala, on the occasion of the celebration of the 19th anniversary of the death of Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon.
Distinguished guests
Ladies and Gentlemen:
When the organizers of this evening asked me to chair this occasion, I did not hesitate at all to say: âYes, I will be there with you!â Why? Because this event brings to mind many memories of a truly great Cameroonian, a truly great statesman, a truly great Christian, in short, a truly great human being: Dr. Bernard Nsokika Fonlon.
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Bate Besong
Paper Read During The Commemoration Of The 19th Anniversary Of The Passing Away Of Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon - Djeuga Palace Hotel, Yaounde,24th November 2005.
WILLIAM FULBRIGHT has argued that literary agitation, like practical political instigation, which edges on dissent or rebellion is âan act of faithâ. Accordingly, and, as I have already shown elsewhere, although Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon (a man who was so exceptionally handsome), was, an intellectual pillar of fire; a Prometheus among his peers; indeed, something of a twentieth century Aristotle, the Greek philosopher and classical biologist, his neo-classical treatise on literary composition have, neither,
received accolades nor endorsement from me.
Continue reading "The Bernard Fonlon Revolution: If Gold Should Rust, What will Iron Do?" »
By Kini Nsom
His Eminence Christian Cardinal Tumi, Archbishop of Douala, has said late Prof. Bernard Fonlon was a humble and disciplined man, worthy of being a saint.The Cardinal was speaking at the Yaounde Djeuga Palace Hotel, November 24, during commemorations marking 19 years since the death of the celebrated Professor.
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In a recent Interview granted the Cameroonian Catholic Bi-Monthly,
L'Effort Camerounais
, His Grace Archbishop Paul Verdzekov of Bamenda, talked, among other things, about his early days in the priesthood and the impact that Bernard Fonlon had on his life. Excerpts:
Continue reading "ARCHBISHOP PAUL VERDZEKOV: Cardinal Arinze asked why we haven't started the process to canonize Bernard Fonlon" »
Boniface Ndemping Wewe (
Ngonyama Ka Brooklyn
Hamba Kahle
Shufai Nto Drev
As a primary school pupil in the former West Cameroon and precisely at St.Joseph's Catholic Boy's School Bamenda in the early 1970's, my teacher introduced the concept of Ph.D to us. He further stressed that Dr. Bernard Fonlon was one of the first Cameroonians to obtain one. The concept stuck and I nursed ambitions or fantasized about doctorate degrees!
Continue reading "Bernard Fonlon: Can you build people and die a pauper? " »
Book Review by Martin Jumbam
Daniel Noni Lantum, ed.
Dr. Bernard Nsokika Fonlon (1924-1986) is now a legend: Funeral Addresses, Tributes and Eulogies
, Kumbo Town: Nso History Society Publication No 3, May 1988, pp. xii + 107. No price given.
Revised and reproduced from Cameroon Tribune, May 1989.
Three years ago come next August 26, Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon died suddenly in Ottawa, Canada. His death came at a particularly painful moment for our country that was still reeling from the blows of the Lake Nyos disaster, that tragedy that was to pin Cameroon in the headlines of world news for years to come, bequeathing to us a notoriety we would only have been too happy to do without.
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