Central African nation Cameroon Republic is situated on Gulf of Guinea and circulated by Nigeria, Chad, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon. Several rivers flow inside this country Benue, Sanaga, Nyong are remarkable among them. Cameroon contains lots of mountains, hills and Mount Cameroon is the highest elevation of this country. Former federal republic has been replaced by the plebiscite in 1972 and formed a unitary republic out of East and West Cameroon.
In 1472 a Portuguese sailor Ferdanando Poo discovered the country. He was travelling watery. In his travel he reached at river Wouri in Douala and found out numerous shrimps. He named the area Rio Dos Camaroes which means River of shrimps. The name Cameroon originated later on. Interestingly in different region this country name is spelled different. In German they spell it Kamerun, Spanish Cameroes and French Cameroun.
Cameroon was colonized and ruled by several countries. German made their colony in 1884. After the first world, United Nation League submitted the country under British and French jurisdiction. The greater sector of the country East Cameroon was under French responsibility while British maintained the smaller part West Cameroon formerly known as “Cameroon under British Administration”.
The first day of 1960 is one greatest days in the history of this country. On this day East Cameroon got independence from French administration. United Nation League took a plebiscite and after the result gave Southern Cameroons automatic independence and unification.
The federal Republic was born after the reunification. On 20th May, 1972 a referendum was held and the federal Republic turned into United Republic. Today’s Republic of Cameroon born in 1984 by the presidential Decree of the United Republic.